a smile is the universal welcome

Saturday, May 21


enyoh. as you know I want to learn some other instruments, like flute, violin, harp, bass guitar, so on. My mom was excited about hearing this and already approved to support me to learn the other instruments. And then I asked my friends, where can I learn those all? But I hate their answers. And They always answered with,

Get focus about your piano, Citta!

Damn you. As you know friends, I'm enough with my piano. I can play my piano (not really well but) I can play my piano with MY OWN PIANO PLAY. I know what piano play I like. And now I'm searching for another instrument for supporting my piano play.
C'mooon. Look at Patrick Wolf, Chris Corner, Jonsi, and some other multi-talented musicians. I adore them so much about their skills, about their ability to compose their amazing music.
eh, when I heard some amazing music, there's always a question in my mind.
"How come they can find a great music arrangement like this?"

eh, does "Geez" stand for "Jesus"?

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